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Monday, August 27, 2012

JMR: A Nagueno for All

For more than a week now, I have been reading and watching a lot of good things about our good Mayor Jesse from different personalities across different mediums. A lot has been said that it led me speechless to write my own.

I have tirelessly waited from the day 1 of his search and rescue operations (SaR). I wanted to post good news every time I woke up during that long period of waiting. But as days passed by, things became heavier and heavier to bear. I have no blood relation to the family of Sec. Jesse, but if you'll be asking every Nagueno, it felt like we were all waiting for a family member to come back home. SaR of TF Kalihim, fishermen and volunteers turned to search and retrieval operations risked their lives for the hopeful hearts of the many.

Sec. Jesse's physical presence for a week even with no life, brought a new life to each and everyone of us. A new life that will challenge each and every Nagueno both politicians and citizens to live up to Sec. Jesse's aspirations and ideals. Every time TV networks, air their news showing Naga City to the whole country, at the back of my mind it will now be a challenge for us Naguenos to be as good as Sec. Jesse. Difficult as it may seem, I know it will be achievable just like how Mayor Jesse believed in Naguenos back then that we can do great things together. 

"There is a Robredo in every Nagueno, that there is also in every Bicolano and Fiipino". I am privileged to have grown in a city who taught me how to love my family, my city and eventually my country. My love for Naga City grew bigger as I continue to provide people "Naga Info" through nagacitydeck.com. For me, Naga City will not be only known as a Pilgrim City and the Heart of Bicol but will be a reflection to what and who Jesse M. Robredo is. JMR is a Nagueno for Filipinos and Filipinos for the world. 
I am a proud Naguena because of you Sir. Jesse! I will continue serving our fellow Naguenos and Bicolanos in any possible way I can. 

Dios Mabalos po! Dai mi po ika malilingawan!

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Images by Ralph Balanta


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