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Saturday, September 14, 2013

#VivaLaFiesta Online Contest

Join the #VivaLaFiesta contest brought to you by Avenue Square, SMB, Purefoods and Globe. Share us your #VivaLaFiesta story and experience. Join now!


Contest Period: September 14 - 30, 2013

You can earn raffle entries in two ways:

Option 1 (Minor Prizes)
Use the rafflecopter App below or on Naga City Deck's Facebook page.
Like, Follow and Share Avenue Square and Naga City Deck on Facebook and Twitter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Option 2 (Major Prizes): 
Describe your #VivaLaFiesta experience this year, what does it mean to you and how did you spend the #PenafranciaFestival2013 through photos and videos. Post your entries on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with hashtag #VivaLaFiesta. You can also creatively use hasthags #SMB7107Celebrations #GoUNLI30 #Purefoods and #FastBreak.


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