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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Gran Fondo Bicolandia Rules

Before starting the Gran Fondo Bicolandia event you must read, understand and agree to these rules! If you choose to break or ignore these rules, you will not be permitted to participate. CLICK HERE for the Gran Fondo Bicolandia Registration Details.


Several section of the roads are challenging and technical, especially after passing through the town of Sangay. Be extremely careful riding your bicycle. If you do not slow yourself soon enough before turns, you could find yourself descending some sections of road well beyond the speed limit. This is not safe. The turns on these roads are very sharp, very sudden, and occasionally have a decreasing radius (that means they get steeper and harder as you enter them). Do not underestimate how difficult this ride will be, both in terms of the fitness it will require and the bike handling ability it demands of you. 

The Gran Fondo Bicolandia route is not recommended for inexperienced riders. We don’t suggest this as your first century.


Yes, you need both of these in order to participate in Gran Fondo Bicolandia. Neither are optional. Sorry. Both should be in reliable working order so that you don’t pose a danger to yourself or others when you drop a chain, blow a rim, or even eject a water bottle from a too-loose cage.


Some part of the roads you will ride are narrow, with no center line. They will be shared with vehicular traffic. Please ride to the left when in narrow sections of road. While CHP, medical, and official support vehicles will be along for the ride and working at intersections, many of the GranFondo roads are not closed and there will be occasional non-event vehicles traveling with and against you. While traffic on these roads is minimal, it is still there. It only takes one. Additionally, riding in the middle of the road absent motor vehicle traffic can still cause unsafe conditions for other, faster riders. Regardless of how fast you think you’re going, someone is pretty much always coming up behind you. Get over to the left as far as safety allows and let the faster flow pass you by. It’s better for them and it’s better for you.

CLICK HERE for the Gran Fondo Bicolandia Registration Details


We are conducting this event on some of the most remote roads in Cam-sur and Albay province. Nevertheless, these roads pass through working landscapes and those who use these roads require your respect and courtesy. Residents along these routes are made aware of the event, but this many cyclists using these roads at one time is an anomaly. Please be courteous to drivers and let them pass by moving to the left whenever it is reasonably safe to do so.


We will enforce all of these rules in order to ensure rider safety. There’s always a few people in any large group of cyclists who, for one reason or another, disobey the rules of the road. In a ride this big and challenging, there can be serious consequences to this sort of recklessness; some could even be fatal. On-bicycle event marshals, motorcycles, and SAG staff will be riding with you to offer the best and safest experience possible. They will also ensure that all of these rules are being followed. If these rules are broken, you will be not permitted to continue the ride and participate in the other series.


If, at any time, you treat others with disrespect, including staff, fellow riders, course marshals, motorcycle drivers, sag, tech support, or anyone else, you will not be allowed to continue the ride.



GranFondo Bicolandia will be one of the most enjoyable cycling events in the Bicolandia. We are very proud of this, and want you to leave as ecstatic about the event as we are to produce it. If you follow these rules, keep your head up, and treat others like you’d like to treated, you will leave with one very memorable experience.


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