
Thursday, May 28, 2015

2nd Mt. Isarog Eco-Endurance Challenge

Naga City - As part of the 67th Naga City Charter Anniversary and Naga City Arbor Day Celebration is the 2nd Mt. Isarog Eco-Edurance Challenge 2015 spearheaded by the Pilimania Executive Committee 2015 on June 14, 2015. Proceeds of the activity is for the improvement of the Pili Sanctuary at NVAC and ENRO Nursery.

Registration Fee: Php 300
Inclusive of: Finisher Shirt, Race Bib, Bike Tags, Race Sticker, Energy Drink, Breakfast & Boodle Fight Meal
Assembly: Pili Park, Fronting Bicol Central Station
CBD II Brgy. Triangulo, Naga City

Registration Sites:
  • City ENRO (054) 473-1617
  • Lingkod Barangay Office (054) 472-6769 LBO is located at the back of the People's Hall, City Hall Compound, J. Miranda Ave. Naga City

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