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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

1st Altantic Bakery TV Ad Competition

Over all theme

The 1st Atlantic Bakery TV Ad Competition seeks to create a television ad that inspires others to promote living healthy by eating fresh food specifically bread and pastry, and to deliver that message through generations.

The Advertisement should contain positive messages that could, for example, show what people can do to live fresh, happy and healthy lives every day to what we can do as families, communities, countries, and as global citizens.

Who are qualified to join? 

The 1st Atlantic Bakery Regional TV Ad Competition is open to all organizations and individuals interested in the process of developing and producing TV commercials/ advertisements.

There will be two (2) judging categories based on industry and segment, namely: Student Category for currently enrolled College students and, Open Category which is open to everybody.

Each category is likewise branched into segments, namely: Product Ads for 30-second advertisements involving product lines of Atlantic Bakery and, Corporate Ads for advertisements timed at above 31 seconds showcasing the mission, vision, corporate values and thrusts of Atlantic Bakery as a whole.

Dates to Remember
  •  Registration of participants and submission of entry forms is until 5:00 PM of April 10, 2016 (Sunday). To register, participants should have an accumulated or single receipt pre-qualifying purchase of at least PhP 250.00 worth of any Atlantic Bakery bread within the registration period. The receipt/s should be attached to the registration form before submission.
  •     The deadline for submission of entries is until 5:00 PM of May 15, 2016 (Sunday).
  •     The Awards Night will be on May 29, 2016 (Sunday).
What to submit

Entries should be submitted burnt on a single CD/DVD containing the High Definition Quality entry in any of the following file formats: .avi .flv .mpeg .mp4 .wmv or .mov.

Upon submission, registrants will fill up the Official Entry Form to be provided by Atlantic Bakery. Entries with incomplete required information or incorrect technical specifications will be disqualified.

The submitted work must include the Atlantic Bakery Logo. Entrants must submit their ads to Atlantic Bakery and give all the rights to publish the material.

The advertisement must not benefit any other company, organization, political party or official interest group by the use, for instance, of logos, brands, or representatives or corporations, parties or organizations. Also, the advertisement must not contain any nudity, lewd, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate content.

Copyright and patents

Submitted entries must be original and unpublished work. The entrant is responsible for the contents of the advertisement which cannot include copyright-protected material. The entrant must have the rights for all the texts and images used in the submitted work.

There can be no reference to the identification included in or on the entire artwork. However, all submissions must be clearly linked to its author. Creative credits will be requested if artwork is chosen as a winner. Creative credits for your artwork will be included in possible exhibits.

Participants agree to grant Atlantic Bakery, competition media partners, an irrevocable, perpetual, exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, license to use, copy, exhibit, publicly display and distribute their submitted entry for any use of Atlantic Bakery.

Judging Criteria

Entries will be judged based on these criteria and compete head-to-head with other entries within their specific category:

Originality (includes innovation)                                 40%
Creativity (include editing and use of the medium)    40%
Memorability (include impact and recall)                   20%

The members of the board of judges of the 1st Atlantic Bakery TV Ad Competition are experienced professionals with an in-depth understanding of the current state-of-the-art in advertising design and technology, and the objectivity to score entries according to a predefined set of criteria. Foremost, these judges represent all aspects of the advertising and promotion industry.

Any decision made by the organizers in any matter relating to the TV Ad competition is considered final and binding. Atlantic Bakery cannot be held responsible for force majeure, should the TV Ad Competition have to be modified or cancelled.


The 1st Atlantic Bakery Regional TV Ad Competition Awards will be given to those entries that the judges rate as best within each industry category. The winners will receive cash prizes, trophies and gift packs.
  •     Student Category Product Ads  – Grand Prize: 30,000.00; First Runner Up: 15,000.00
  •     Student Category Corporate Ads – Grand Prize: 30,000.00; First Runner Up: 15,000.00
  •     Open Category Product Ads –  Grand Prize: 30,000.00; First Runner Up: 15,000.00
  •     Open Category Corporate Ads – Grand Prize: 30,000.00; First Runner Up: 15,000.00

All participants (including the participating schools) will receive certificates to acknowledge their achievement and participation.

Got questions? Interested participants may visit any Atlantic Bakery store, or contact Ms. Eloisa at landline number (054) 473-9196 or mobile number 0939.923.3649 for inquiries.


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