
Monday, October 16, 2017

Daiso at Robinsons Place Naga

Naga City - Japan, Japan! From restaurants offering Japanese foods we now have stores selling Japan products in Maogmang Lugar. While most items you'll see has a label "Designed in Japan, Made in China", these products still have that more sophisticated looks and better quality than that of a purely "Made in China" product. Daiso, which opened its first store in Bicol at the second level of Robinsons Place Naga is our go-to store when it comes to knick knacks and whatnots, that sometimes even when you don't plan on buying, you end up purchasing a thing or two when you go out of the store. 

Here are 9 things/sections that I find interesting in Daiso, plus it's really fun to shop here and go through the racks one by one. You can find a lot of gift suggestions here too especially that the holidays are coming!

1. Pet Section - Most items are P88, bag dog carriers, doggie clothes, brushes, toys and a lot more!
Bought a few stuffs here, the Deo spray for Pet Toilets and Living Areas and a piece of doggy clothes for one of our dogs.

One of our dogs, Peppa, wearing the doggie clothes from Daiso. hehe
2. Mugs - Bought one of these for P188. Talk about cutting down caffeine intake, from a big mug to this small cup is definitely a good idea.

3. Teaspoons, chopsticks and other utensils - I just find them cute. lol If you have a cafe, these tiny spoons and forks can definitely be nice for your shop.

4. Vanity kits, purses, well-designed boxes and "abubots" for your office or room. These days we have so many additional stuffs in our bags, from chargers to powerbanks plus the cosmetics for ladies, you will definitely need them to be organized.

5. Skin care mask - There many other skin, hair and body products at Daiso. The skin care mask actually looks like the "rising tissue" hehe. I need your feedback guys, if anyone of you have tried any of their cosmetics, please make your recommendations as well.

6. Kitchenware - These coffee filters and freezer bags are actually Made in Japan as written in the packaging. Bought a box of that freezer bag and it came handy during the fiesta. We used it as our "pabalot" to some of our relatives. On the right is a wine holder. There are many other interesting items for your kitchen in Daiso.

7. Door stopper - reminds of the cartoon series called "Word World" lol

8. Chair Socks - I know it's not our practice as Filipinos to have our chairs use socks. I just find them cute, but perhaps there are household who really use them to avoid scratches on their floor perhaps. Would you find it weird  if I say that we can actually use them as SOCKS for OUR PETS? haha

9. Dry bag and Litter Picker - Some dry bags in department stores would cost a little bit higher but at Daiso it's only P188. I checked the quality and it's at par with the ones that costs P200 or more. Below the dry bag is the litter picker. My mom bought a few of these for work purposes.

Any other interesting stuffs you saw at Daiso? Care to share them on the comments below? Happy shopping!

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